Thursday, May 12, 2016

More Star Wars Fun Facts!

Who doesn't want more Star Wars fun facts? Here's another list of interesting things you may not have known about the iconic saga.
  1. The iconic scene prior to the Star Wars scroll that reads "A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." originally read "A long, long time ago, in the not-too-distant future..." This was changed when someone pointed out to Lucas that this made no sense.
  2. Before the role of Princess Leia was offered to Carrie Fisher, the role was considered for other actresses such as Jane Fonda, Meryl Streep, and Diana Ross.
  3. The role of Han Solo was originally offered to Jeff Goldblum. Goldblum turned it down for a role in Woody Allen's "Annie Hall". Goldblum's on-screen time was almost edited out completely but he still got the satisfaction of the movie beating out Star Wars for an Oscar award.
  4. Originally, only George Lucas knew about the iconic line "Luke, I am your father." The original script read "Luke, you are your own father." Lucas made up a story about a time-travel based "Return of the Jedi" to cover up the true line.
  5. The filming of "The Empire Strikes Back" had to halt for two weeks due to George Lucas' tradition of a wind-surfing competition in Australia.

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