Thursday, May 12, 2016

Captain Phasma: Who is she?

Captain Phasma is one of the storm trooper captains for the First Order in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Leading up to the release of the movie, the hype seemed to be very high for this character. Once the movie came out, fans noticed that Phasma did not make many appearances or do much of anything important to the plot of the movie. The purpose of this post is to fill in for the lack of detail provided by the film about Phasma. Hopefully I can answer the question, Who is Phasma?

Captain Phasma is a female captain for the First Order. Her first appearance in the Star Wars movies was in the most recent addition, The Force Awakens. She worked as an unofficial commanding triumvirate for the First Order and their Starkiller Base. She took command of the stormtrooper soldiers of the First Order. Phasma serves alongside Kylo Ren and General Hux in their struggle against the "Resistance". Under orders from Supreme Leader Snoke, Phasma found herself on Jakku. She, alongside Kylo, attacked a small village called Tuanul. After capturing Poe, Phasma orders her storm troopers to kill the survivors. After this encounter on Jakku, Phasma is seen again when the stormtroopers unload off of the transport. She tells Finn, the newly introduced stormtrooper character, that he is to submit his blaster for inspection. She also scolds him for taking off his helmet without permission. After Han Solo and Chewbacca infiltrate Starkiller base, they take Phasma captive and force her, under the threat of death, to lower the base's planetary shield. Han Solo asks Finn if there is a trash compactor, referencing his incident with the trash compactor in episode four. It is believed that Phasma was left in the trash compactor before the destruction of the base.

More Star Wars Fun Facts!

Who doesn't want more Star Wars fun facts? Here's another list of interesting things you may not have known about the iconic saga.
  1. The iconic scene prior to the Star Wars scroll that reads "A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." originally read "A long, long time ago, in the not-too-distant future..." This was changed when someone pointed out to Lucas that this made no sense.
  2. Before the role of Princess Leia was offered to Carrie Fisher, the role was considered for other actresses such as Jane Fonda, Meryl Streep, and Diana Ross.
  3. The role of Han Solo was originally offered to Jeff Goldblum. Goldblum turned it down for a role in Woody Allen's "Annie Hall". Goldblum's on-screen time was almost edited out completely but he still got the satisfaction of the movie beating out Star Wars for an Oscar award.
  4. Originally, only George Lucas knew about the iconic line "Luke, I am your father." The original script read "Luke, you are your own father." Lucas made up a story about a time-travel based "Return of the Jedi" to cover up the true line.
  5. The filming of "The Empire Strikes Back" had to halt for two weeks due to George Lucas' tradition of a wind-surfing competition in Australia.

The Force Awakens Cameos

The newest release of Star Wars had lots of surprises that you may have missed. The movie has several cameos that may surprise you. There are already rumors that the next movie may feature even more very exciting cameos, but that's a post for another time. Here is a list of the cameos from the newest edition to the Star Wars Saga.
  1. Thomas Brodie-Sangster: Star of Love Actually, Maze Runner, and Game of Thrones. He can be heard saying that there is an  “unscheduled departure" in the scene where Finn and Poe are stealing the TIE Fighter.
  2. Ewan McGregor: In the scene were Rey takes Luke's lightsaber into her hand, there are many voices that can be heard. One of them in the voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ewan McGregor. He can be heard saying “Rey . . . these are your first steps.”
  3. Daniel Craig: The star of the more recent James Bond movies appears in episode 7 as a storm trooper. Craig doesn't just appear as a random storm trooper; he is the guard who is posted in the room to guard Rey while she is aboard Kylo Ren's space ship. Rey uses a Jedi mind-trick to convince Craig to remove her restraints and leave the room with the door open. You heard me right, James Bond got Jedi mind-tricked!
  4. Warwick Davis: You may not know this actor by his real name, but you know him as the first Ewok seen in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Wicket. Davis can be seen as a strange alien creature in Maz Kanata's cantina. Davis also had a role in The Phantom Menace.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Han Solo Feature

Disney is creating a stand-alone Star Wars movie focusing on Han Solo. To my, and I'm sure many Star Wars fans dismay, Harrison Ford will not be starring in the role. The movie will focus on events that took place in the life of Han Solo before his appearance in the original Star Wars movie. No story details have been released yet. Before Disney purchased Lucasfilm in 2012, the expanded universe had several books that focused on Solo's younger days. It is believed that some of the aspects of these books could make an appearance in the new movie, which is expected to be called Han Solo: A Star Wars Story. This belief comes from the fact that Disney utilized some of the details from the expanded universe in the newest movie release, Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
The stand-alone film is in pre-production, under the directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. Most likely in anticipation for the May the Fourth festivities; Miller tweeted out the first official image from the production. It was Solo's iconic blaster.