Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tips for Padawans

Padawans, or students to a Jedi Master, have responsibilities, roles, and expectations that they must live up to. While in training, the Padawan is to remain attentive at all times to the teachings of the master. They are required to do what is asked of them at all times, whether or not they agree or feel that it is the right thing. They are required to be respectful; this entails addressing the master in a respectful manner. Padawans are required to complete the training that is asked of them in a timely manner according to the guidelines and restrictions set by the master. Padawans are also required to be respectful and work well with the other Padawans. Hindering the training of other Padawans will not be tolerated by the masters. In order for a Padawan to be successful they should trust in the training of the master and apply the training in the way that the master has intended. The Padawan should listen more than they speak. A Padawan should ask question when they do not understand a part of their training. It is through questions that mysteries will be revealed. A Padawan should be open to new ideas and refrain from being closed minded. A Padawan should accept that they do not understand certain things and that their master knows what they are talking about. Most importantly, a Padawan should only use their powers for good and to help others.

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